About us

We are for humanity to build a peacefull society

Who we are

Center for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development (CEPASD) started in 2013 as a student campaign to promote peace and sustainable development across Nigeria and was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in 2018 and United Nations Volunteer in 2020.

CEPASD take a holistic approach to bring young people to the center stage of peacebuilding, and sustainable development, amplifying their voices to be the change they want to see while engaging with stakeholders on youth development, policy implementation particularly on UNSCR 2250, 2535, violent conflict prevention, gender-based violence, and youth development.


At CPEASD we work on peacebuilding, violent conflict prevention, education, gender, research & advocacy, leadership, and sustainable development, we do this, by engaging with the youths, stakeholders, and communities towards achieving sustainable peace and development while advancing and accelerating the attainments of UN sustainable development goals and the African Union agenda 2063 for African development. Also, we strengthen and build the resilience and capacity of youths to become transformational leaders and change-makers in their communities to prevent violence and build peace.

Since its operation in 2018, we have strategically carried out various intervention projects and programs reaching about 10,000 people across Africa both directly and indirectly.

CEPASD initiated Youth and Peacebuilding Dialogue Series, Youth Model African Union, Youth Voices Against Electoral Violence Campaign, Global Youth Movement against Gender-Based Violence in 2020, Global Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals, Hike for Peace, International peace dialogue, African Youth Peace Summit, Stop the Violence! Build Peace, Community Resilience on Conflict Prevention Inter-secondary school debate, Peacebuilding and leadership in an unprecedented time, International Peace Dialogue, Youth innovation for sustainable peace and development, African youth leadership forum, etc.

Over the years CEPASD has executed several programs and carried out advocacies and awareness campaigns on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and gender-based violence as well as trained and build the capacity of youths in leadership, diplomacy, community engagement, and development. 2018. CEPASD has continued to lead action while engaging with stakeholders on UNSCR 2250, the African continental framework on youth, peace, and security, violent conflict prevention, youth engagement, and sustainable development.

Nominated Best Youth NGO in 2020, and 2021, and among 100 Best African NGO nominees in 2021 and 2022. CEPASD is a member of the United States Youth, Peace, and Security Coalition, Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation, West Africa CSO e-directory, Nigeria Coalition on Youth, Peace, and Security, and Nigeria Network of NGOs.


To build a young generation that will foster peace, prevent violent conflict, and promote sustainable development across Africa


CEPASD envisions a world where there is peace and tranquility devoid of violence and conflict anchored on social justice and meaningful youth participation in peacebuilding processes and development


Peace & Justice, Tolerance & Respect, Passion & Commitment, Innovation & Integrity 


  • Peace and Security
  • Research and Advocacy 
  • Violent conflict prevention
  • Youth Engagement and Community Resilience 
  • Education, Gender, and GBV
  • Capacity Building and Leadership Development 


CEPASD’s strategic approach is anchored in organizing, research, advocacy, dialogue, awareness, education, training, workshops, community engagement, sport/art for peace, and digital innovation


  • To build youth resilience to champion peace and development
  • To foster and actualize the SDG’s goals and eliminate gender-based violence 
  • To foster inter-ethnic and inter-religious peaceful coexistence 
  • To engage the youths in skill acquisition and entrepreneurship for self-reliance through empowerment for peace
  • To use innovation and technology to solve underlying problems of violent conflict and gender-based violence 


  • Youth Voices Against Electoral Violence Campaign
  • STEAM educational Project on Gender-based Violence
  • Global Youth Movement Against Gender-based Violence
  • African Youth Peace Summit
  • Nigeria Youth Summit
  • Nigeria Youth Aspiration
  • Youth Model African Union
  • Global Youth Engagement Model United Nations
  • Global Youth Engagement Summit
  • ONE Global Summit
  • Youth and Peacebuilding Action Dialogue Series
  • Global Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals
  • Hike for Peace
  • Inter-secondary school debate
  • Peacebuilding and leadership in an Unprecedented time
  • International peace dialogue 
  • Youth innovation for sustainable peace and development
  • African youth leadership forum
  • Youth innovation challenge
  • Resilience youth fellowship



Nigeria National Orientation Agency

Global Peace Foundation Nigeria

Hemisphere Foundation Singapore

Roost Foundation Nigeria 

CLEEN Foundation Nigeria 

Federation of International Gender and Human Rights U.S.A

International Youth Society

American International Education Federation

Global youth health mental awareness, Austria

South Africa BRIC youth association 

Aatan Foundation Mexico

Civil society in sub-Saharan Africa

International association for political science students in Africa 

Commonwealth youth peace ambassadors’ network

Nile University of Nigeria

Frontrunner Innovate Inc U.S

Junior Chamber int’l

Peace is possible in Nigeria

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